Nalo - For UK Nannies

Think of us as the virtual teachers lounge of the nanny world. We are here as a place for you to hang out, find friends, learn, share stories and further your nanny career


Like our facebook page to keep up to date with our latest news, find interesting articles and tips for being the best nanny


We love sharing photos and seeing what you are up to with your charges! Find our photos from our events on out Instagram.

Facebook Group

Join our facebook group to be part of our amazing nanny community. We love chatting with you

Our story

Having been a member of several UK nanny groups, we soon came to realise that they were owned by companies such as agencies and insurers. This meant that nannies were not able to speak freely, especially if they mentioned a competitor,  and often the admins did not care about bullying, or the wrong information being given out. Blocking was also often a consequence of speaking up. 

This is when The Nanny Lounge facebook group was created. We have the friendliest professional nannies, and a zero tolerance policy to bullying.

We are here as a voice for you. We are all for moving the nanny industry in the UK forward, working with agencies, parents, nanny service companies and more. We’ll let you know who’s the best.

We are home of the Go Gross Campaign and encourage all nannies to be paid a gross wage.

So sit down, make yourself a cuppa, and discover how to be the best nanny you can be.

By Nannies, For Nannies

Emma George

Kitty Formston

Katie Bishop