The Nalo Halo section on our nanny agency directory is awarding the best, most outstanding nanny agencies. This gives your nanny agency the chance to stand out from the crowd and be featured front and central. For instance the Nalo Halo gives your nanny agency free advertising at the top of the nanny agency directory. In addition you will be receiving a Nalo Halo badge for your social media.
As part of this there are just a few criteria you need to meet.
- Non-discriminatory job advertisements and registration forms
- History of long term support for nannies
- Appropriate insurance and registration with ICO
- Advertise in gross and help parents understand full costs
- A minimum of three reviews in the nanny agency directory
These are the criteria that we hope all nanny agencies will aspire towards to help improve the nanny industry. Above all we are celebrating those who are already achieving these milestones and supporting every agency to be the best they can.
The Go Gross campaign has been running for over two years. This has resulted in many positive strives towards changing the way the nanny industry sees gross pay. As part of this we have our Nanny Jobs Board on Facebook dedicated to jobs posting a gross wage.
If you have not made the change to gross yet, please read our blog post: Why Agencies Should Advertise a Gross Wage.
We hope you will encourage the nannies on your books to join The Nanny Lounge on Facebook, they will become part of a supportive nanny community and able to put forward positive reviews of your nanny agency.
Evidence may be required of how you are meeting the criteria stated above. We have the rights to the final outcome of the Nalo Halo and it will be awarded at our discretion. We may suggest improvements which need to be made in order for you to qualify.
If your nanny agency meets all our criteria stated please get in touch. In the meantime find us in The Nanny Agency Lounge, our online community for nanny agencies.
About Nalo
Nalo is an online community created to support nannies in the UK. We offer advice, resources, campaigns and meet ups to build a foundation for the nanny community.