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Nalo Nannies Patreon

What is Patreon?

Patreon is a crowdfunding platform that allows patrons (members) to support creators for their work. It allows creators to earn money on what otherwise would be free content, and allows patrons to contribute to their favourite creators platform. 

Patreon is popular with youtubers, podcasts, artists, and more.

It allows fans to donate, via monthly subscription-style payment tiers, to receive additional access, exclusivity, and engaging experiences. 

So, this is going to cost me?

Just a little – but we can promise you we’re worth it.  *does a hair flip* 

We have three different tiers available ranging from £2 – £5 per month (plus VAT). We wanted to keep our options as cheap as possible so they are accessible to all nannies. 

You will be charged from the date you join (as you gain instant access to the resources) and moving forward it will be from the 1st of the month. It’s best to join towards the beginning of the month. 

The money you pay goes towards keeping our Facebook group a wonderful supportive place, creating new up to date resources, campaigning for your rights, running our social media pages, maintaining our website, organising meet ups and creating graphics. 

Our Facebook group The Nanny Lounge will always remain free for all nannies to access, so don’t worry about that. We love building our awesome supportive nanny community. 

What do I actually get though? 

If you choose our top tier you currently receive:

  • Unlimited support via Whatsapp or Facebook messenger
  • Us telling everyone how awesome you are
  • All the super secret gossip and behind the scenes
  • Social media follows and shout outs
  • Super special voting power
  • Requests for specific resources and info
  • Access to all our content and pdfs
  • That awesome feeling knowing you’re supporting us
  • Meet-ups
  • Support from over three thousand nannies in The Nanny Lounge

Pretty decent for just a fiver, really, don’t you think?

Okay, I’m almost convinced. What if I need to cancel?

No worries. With Patreon you can cancel at any time. You aren’t tied into a yearly subscription. You can easily edit your subscription, change tiers, or cancel. Of course we’d love for you to support us for as long as possible, but we understand that everyone’s financial situation changes so we chose a platform to give you complete control.

Did we mention there’s an app?

One of the main things I love about Patreon is that there’s an app! Go download it now in your app store. You can go straight to the app to find all our latest posts, polls and pdfs, and edit your account. Simple. 

Where do I sign up? 

Awesome. How else can I support you?

You can ‘like’ our Facebook page – bonus points if you leave us a review there!

Follow us on Instagram and Twitter.

Join in the chats and support others in The Nanny Lounge

And tell all your nanny friends about us too please! 

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